water-tube boiler

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Water-tube boiler

How the water tube boiler works :

Unlike the fume tube boiler, the water tube steam boiler has a battery of tubes positioned vertically. The hearth produces hot gases which are then in contact with tubes in which the coolant circulates.
These tubes are supplied by two water tanks: a distributor tank at the bottom and a collecting tank at the top. The boiling water thus circulates from the bottom to the top of the boiler.

Rarer and more expensive, the use of water-tube boilers is generally applied to specific processes in thermal power stations and cogeneration units.

Water tube steam boilers can reach a production of 400t / h and 160 bar of timbre.

At Miditec , we study your needs and your processes in order to size your boiler or boiler room in an optimal way. We support you during all phases of the project, from study to commissioning.

We also provide and provide the necessary training in good practices and use of your equipment.

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